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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: vanishing act
Lines: 38
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 95 23:17:08 PDT
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>I am rendering LW framestores directly to PAR on my A4000. In my current
>animation I set up a series of single polygons to morph into a series
>of single polygon letters for a logo. The morph works OK for all the
>letters except one, which suddenly disappears when the morph amount
>reaches 94%. (I was using an envelope to effect the morph at first, but
>when I saw the problem I switched to manual and that's how I figured out
>that the vanishing act starts at 94%).
> Even this problem letter looks like it's morphing normally before it
>hits 94%. The morphing polygon and its target are planar and pointed
>in the right way. <SNIP!>
Good question! One way to go about investigating it is to SAVE
TRANSFORMED the object at the 94% mark. Then you can see if it
is >>still<< planar during the morph. (Of course, it should be,
but what does "should" mean anyway?)
Another thing to try is simply setting the surface to DOUBLE SIDED-
it might help.
This, folks, is a worthy question. Lately some of the newbie questions
have been really painful, questions that two minutess of thought should
have solved. Please, let's keep the s/n ratio up on the list.
>Thomas Desmond <tdesmond@sol.racsa.co.cr> sent this message.